Hi! Jim !!! your's one is a marvelous blog and i recommend that it needs good advertisement. you can do so by posting articles or comments on other blogs and ofcourse you might have told to your freinds about your blog. but the best way is to tell through the medium of mailing list or communities like orkut, i have posted the name of your forum and site on a community of pc gamers on orkut which withstands 16,015 members. i think and wish this helps!!! and already 3 members of that community have joined your forum. and surely the one who reads further would do so. and please see to it that some frustrated guy named make me admin or something bla... bla... bla... keeps on replying to posts unnecessarily . if he is not in your staff please do something. or if he is already an administrater he should be a li'l bit polite. you are a very good administrator, jim!!!!! really.!!!!!!!!!!!!!